Our Vision
Imagine a sweeping landscape that reaches from the Kaimai ranges to our harbour where wetlands, forests and coastal margins are regenerating and treasured species like kiwi, kereru, whitehead and robin thrive. Flourishing riparian corridors protect waterways and provide habitat for locally threatened aquatic life including koura, kokopu, tuna and torrentfish. Where a healthy harbour can once again sustain parore, shellfish and thick beds of Zostera (eel grass).
We aim to rebuild the resilience and sustainability of our ‘working’ landscape through strong ongoing support from our community and others, working together to achieve our common goals.
our objectives
Improve water quality
Reduce E coli contamination of waterways
Decrease nutrient supply from orchards and farmland
Reduce soil erosion and sedimentation of our estuary
Decrease water temperature by riparian planting (shading)
Locate and manage sources of heavy metal contamination
Improve stormwater management in urban and rural sites
Improve stream and riparian biodiversity
Provide habitat and food sources for aquatic life
Eliminate fish migration barriers
Control pest plants and animals